Wednesday, 23 April 2014

The 'Sweat Training' Diet

We can already hear the gasps of horror from our readers! The 'Sweat Training' Diet is something fairly new to regular people. But for Athletes and mainly Boxers - it's been used for years.
The goal is to cut down your water retention rather than fat, so good for a quick fix if you have a Wedding/Birthday etc coming up. But not good if you're expecting it to last more than 48 hours.

The idea is that you exercise doing intense workouts - wearing a lot of clothing and a 'sweat suit' (we used bin bags, after a lot of research it's essentially the same thing but doesn't cost an arm and a leg). You work out and sweat A LOT. You then don't drink fluids for an hour after exercise, don't shower and continuously dry yourself off to avoid your body absorbing any water.

This is one hardcore diet but we hate to say it - it does work. After just one, one hour intense exercise (wearing the bin bag, two pairs of jogging bottoms, 2 t-shirts, a hooded jumper AND a beanie heat), our Office Manager had lost 5 pounds. BUT alas, it doesn't last long! You can fit into that dress for one evening but you'll struggle to get it off if you decide to eat or drink!

In essence this is great every now and again if you have something big planned, but definitely not something to do long term.

Next we are looking at the notorious 'Lemon Detox'. 3 days of Pepper, Lemon Juice and Maple Syrup. Yummers.

Stay tuned for more diet and exercise tips/avoidance from NeighbourBlog!

The NeighbourBlog Team

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